Hello CD

Mar. 5, 2021

Author’s note on 2022-10-04: this post is kinda dumb, see this post.

Prelude: Hakyll

This website has (as far as I can remember) always been statically generated. I’ve tried various static site generators – mainly Jekyll, and its cousin Hakyll, which I liked for the terrible reason that it’s written in Haskell and functional programming is of course cool.

Well, I got it into my head that I wanted to write more blog posts (like this one). The problem is that I get this into my head every now and then, but usually the moments are so far in-between that in the meantime my development environment has been wiped several times, or I’m using a different computer, or whatever. And setting up Hakyll every time is… well, not exactly pleasant. Haskell’s stack may be an excellent tool, but it does leave some things to be desired. More on that in a moment.

So the solution would be to introduce some kind of continuous deployment – as soon as I write a new blog post in markdown and push it to Github, it should be built somewhere and pushed to my web server. Simple enough – or so I thought.

The first thing I tried was to set up an environment where the Github repository could be cloned, and Hakyll could then generate the static files. I had two alternatives here: either do it on the web server itself, or do it on my general-purpose home-server Raspberry Pi (gen 4). I suspected I might have to go for the latter, even though it would introduce another link in the chain (and thus potential headaches whenever it goes down or I move or whatever). But running Hakyll on my web server was actually not entirely implausible – it turns out that my host, NearlyFreeSpeech, actually does have a ghc binary and even cabal-install. But actually building Hakyll with cabal install hakyll didn’t work out – it seems that the build of one of the dependencies required too much memory or something (I didn’t bother spending too much time on figuring out if there was a way around this). And stack does not work on FreeBSD (which is what my web server uses), so that was also out of the question.

So I ended up giving up on running Hakyll on my web server. The next thing I tried was to install Hakyll on my Raspberry Pi. This might very well have worked, but I ctrl-c’d the stack build in frustration after a couple of hours of building dependencies. I didn’t want my pi to be an additional part of the deploy chain anyway.


So I decided to switch from Hakyll to Hugo after seeing the very nice theme that I am currently using. It did need some minor modifications in order to please my aesthetic sensibilities, so I created a new Github repository for my Hugo site, forked the theme, and added it as a submodule. I then brought over most of my old markdown posts which only needed slight modifications in order to work with the new system.

So far, so good! It looked like Hugo could replace Hakyll. Now I just needed to set up the deployment which was so cumbersome with Hakyll.

It turns out that NearlyFreeSpeech already provide a hugo binary, so the first step was easier than pie. Just clone my repository and its submodule, and run

hugo --minify -d /home/public/

and voilà, we have a website!


At this stage, I would would have to ssh into my web server every time I make an update, and pull in the changes before executing the above command. Better than what I did before (which involved scp 😰), but not exactly ezpz.

So the next step is to automate that process. It turns out that Github has a nifty webhooks feature that can send HTTP requests whenever something happens in a repository. In this case we’re only interested in the default case, which is a push to the repository. So when that happens, you can configure Github to fire off a POST at an arbitrary URL.

So the deploy chain would look something like this:

  1. I make changes to my website (e.g. write a new post like this one).
  2. I push the changes to Github.
  3. Github sends a POST request to my web server.
  4. My web server receives the request and fires off a deployment script that pulls in the changes and then executes hugo to generate the static site and populate my website.

There are a few questions that need to be resolved here. Who was web server, and when where he when Github was POSTs? (If you’re too old to parse that, it’s a variant of a meme). How do we make sure my server doesn’t get DDOS:ed if someone sends a bunch of POSTs to the correct URL on my web server? How do we actually fire off the deployment script?

So my initial random internet searches turned up a few snippets that seemed related to what I wanted to do. The payload that Github posts to your server can be configured to be encrypted with a secret, that you then decrypt it with in order to verify that it is indeed Github that is phone. I found a PHP snippet which seemed to do exactly this. After verifying that the request does indeed look good, it would then fire off the deploy script with


So just put the modified snippet in a file called deploy.php in my public folder, and everything should just work, right? Wrong.

The script certainly seemed to do something. It would log its actions to a file, so it was certainly running. It needed some cajoling to even get to the right if branch at first, though. I had to get the secret Github token into the environment somehow (I couldn’t put it in deploy.php, of course, as that’s readable by anyone) – SetEnv SECRET_TOKEN "random_secret_string_here" in .htaccess seemed to be the best bet. Then, for some reason getenv('SECRET_TOKEN') only turned up an empty string, but $_ENV['SECRET_TOKEN'] worked as expected. After getting deploy.php to receive the POST requests and decrypt them as expected, the only thing left to figure out was why NOTHING WAS HAPPENNING.

For some mysterious reason, everything except executing things seemed to work. This seemed to be related to Apache running the PHP script as the user web, which lacks a lot of privileges. I tried a lot of things – I set the permissions everywhere in different combinations and with different owners and sticky bits for various folders, files, and scripts. I tried invoking the shell script via a CGI script. I tried typing my commands in a more aggressive manner in order to convince my web server that this indeed was serious business. I eventually gave up and decided to try a different approach.


Github’s webhooks documentation contained some Ruby snippets, and references to something called Sinatra – which is “a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort”. What’s not to like? But how in the world would this work together with Apache?

Luckily, I was able to find a Github repository with the code and instructions needed to do almost exactly what I wanted – set up a Sinatra app to run on a lightweight webserver (called Thin), and on my particular web host, NearlyFreeSpeech. Bingo! All I needed to do was change my server realm to one that supported daemons, then run my Sinatra app as a daemon on its own port and set up a proxy so that my deploy URL would point at that port. Bingo!

And that was it. Invoking my deploy script in Ruby worked exactly as expected, and decrypting the payload was a piece of cake.
